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Professora de Língua Portuguesa e Língua Inglesa. Onde leciona: ETEC JACINTO FERREIRA DE SÁ EE Horácio Soares /Ourinhos Formação Academica Pós-graduada em Gestão Escolar Licenciada em Pedagogia


A atual busca de informação aliada à necessidade de comunicação em nível mundial fez com que o inglês assumisse o papel de uma língua internacional. O inglês é a língua materna de cerca de 400 milhões de pessoas mas há estimativas de que 75% de toda comunicação internacional por escrito, 80% da informação armazenada em todos os computadores do mundo e 90% do conteúdo da Internet são em inglês. Ao assumir este papel de língua global, o inglês torna-se uma das mais importantes ferramentas, seja para questões educacionais quanto profissionais. Hoje o inglês é inquestionavelmente reconhecido como a língua mais importante a ser adquirida.

Who speaks English?

Do you know where English is spoken and who speaks English in the world? Any suggestion?
Well, English is spoken in almost the whole world! From South to North, East to West, English is a very common language for communication among people in the same country and people from many other countries.
English has become a lingua franca, that is, a language that is internationally used. English is, today, the international language for business, for science, for education and for diplomatic relations. Everybody uses English to communicate and exchange information about the most important topics. When you travel to any country, the language used to communicate is English.
In some countries, the English language is spoken as a first (or official) language. In these countries, English is the native language: people learn it naturally.
In other countries, this language is spoken as a second language—there is an official language, and English is a second option for the people in this country: they learn it when they start going to school and use it on the streets.
There are also countries where English is spoken as a foreign language, that is, people learn it for the reasons mentioned in the beginning of this text, but do not use it on the streets.
Would like to know more about it?

Melhores Trabalhos dos alunos do 1º ETIM / Portfolio: 

  Climate Change, Global Warning, Climate Crisis

The main cause of this problem is the man !


My name is Ana Claudia Calixto, I'm 14 years old. I  am a student of the ETEC Jacinto Ferreira de Sa  school. I’m in 1st year High School.
I was born in Ourinhos on 19 October 1997.I live in the Anchieta neighborhood, in  Ourinhos.
 I have a sister 18 years that I love very. I like to sleep, go to the movies, making new friends, laugh, talk, listening to music, etc…
I like romantic books and electronic music. I hate  to be  ignored. I admire people educated; I don’t like people who hurt others. I hate fake people and I hate discussions and  fights.